When it comes to your hamburgers which do you prefer, buffalo or beef? You probably answered beef, like me and most every other person who maintains their tasting integrity. While the cow reigns supreme in our drive thru’s and dinners it doesn’t fare so well out on the range. I recently learned something about buffalos and cows that I believe every Christian needs to know. When a severe storm rushes in from out of nowhere, many cows will not survive. A cow will see a storm coming and will try and out run it or run around it. While they unsuccessfully try and flank the weather, they will expel their energy and be overtaken by the storm. The buffalo is different. When they see a storm coming, they will lower their head and barrel right into the torrent. As it turns out the best way to beat a storm is to face it directly. Don’t try and out run your storms. God allows storms in our life to strip us of self. If we try and avoid the storm, we may lose more than we thought. Jesus said, whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Are you a buffalo or a cow?