Saturday, April 12, 2008

Summary of Joseph

There is nothing negative recorded about Joseph in the Bible. He was the first child Jacob had by Rachel.

Early in his life, his father evidently treated him with favoritism. He also had a dream in which sheeves representing his brothers bowed down to him. His brothers thought that Joseph had too high of an opinion for himself.

Even though God had shown Joseph that he was special in some way, he didn't know in what way. When things began to go against him, he must have wondered if he had misinterpreted God's plans for him. His brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt. His master's wife falsely accused him of trying to rape her, and, as a result, Joseph was thrown into prison.

Read more about Joseph here

In what ways is Josephs life like yours?

Material taken from

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Unique Addiction

Where is addiction? Is it hidden in the recesses of the mind? Does addiction flow through the blood streams, inherited from our genealogy like a generational curse? Is it a learned behavior that has become imbedded with our character because of years of practice? Is it a defense mechanism we’ve developed to medicate our emotional sicknesses? Addiction is not reserved for the under privileged, uneducated, or minority. It crosses all social-economic and cultural demographics. From the penitentiary to the penthouse, from nightclubs to rotary clubs, from poppy fields of the Middle East to football fields of Middle America, addiction is no respecter of persons. Lets consider the drug addict for a moment.

Read the full article here

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Window of Opportunity

I’m sitting in a Days Inn hotel in the small town Decatur Mississippi. According to the 2000 census, population was 1,426. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 1 square mile. If not for the Internet, I would feel like I am trapped in an old episode of The X-files. I think I saw Mulder and Scully in a diner earlier.

Why am I here? Because God is getting ready to do something amazing in this small community of 407 households. A window of opportunity has opened up that cannot be ignored. You are going to have to stay tuned for more details. In the mean time, keep Decatur, MS in your prayers.