Friday, March 21, 2008

Peace and Justice became one on a Friday afternoon

"Perfect peace and perfect justice became united in one death on a Friday afternoon some two thousand years ago. The thief who repented while hanging on the cross next to Jesus understood the paradox. No one else knew so well the physical agony of what Jesus was suffering in crucifixion. And the thief knew that he deserved it. He knew the fear of God. But he received the assurance of pardon from the blameless Man hanging beside him." - Dr. Ravi Zacharias from the forward of Radical Cross, AW Tozer

And that blameless Man who was the embodiment of the Godhead became the embodiment of sin for all humanity. Ironically we call this day Good Friday. It is a fitting phrase for the dichotomy of this Gospel. The day of our saviors horrific death on the most barbaric instrument of elimination which the Romans created for one purpose alone, to dispose of a man, is the day we call good. The day is good because death was not the destiny. Death is the passage to life. A cross draped in darkness would be the beacon from which all light would come. We look to our Lord's death today and become one with Him. For only by becoming one with His death will we become one with His resurrection.


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