Friday, February 13, 2009

The Role of a Pastors Wife,

Pastor’s wives don’t always get acknowledged for the sacrifices they make. They are often under intense pressure to have the most well behaved kids, happiest marriage, perfect image, best attitude (during all situations). They have to be hospitable, willing to host and entertain people, friendly, encouraging, outgoing and cheerful, even when they are tired, sick, overwhelmed, depressed and struggling financially.

Since she is always reminded that behind every great man there is a great woman, she carries with her a constant call to greatness that she takes very serious. The pastor’s wife needs to be always accessible for prayer, counseling, fellowship or just hanging out. She needs to be aware of the needs of the church, families, women and children.

She is often in charge of the children’s ministry departments, volunteer coordination and church event planning. It is also common for the duties of a pastor’s wife to be accounting, bookkeeping and payroll. While this is a great responsibility many insist that she be able to preach as well.

She must never neglect her children and needs to be able to balance everything under the proper order of the family first priority. Keeping time for such responsibilities as home schooling her children and being a good housekeeper and homemaker. And don’t forget her most important ministry is to her husband whom she must serve, honor and help according to the pattern of God for marriage. And we cannot fail to mention that she must always answer her cell phone and respond promptly to all text messages and emails.

I wrote this about the wonderful and amazing women that I have the pleasure of calling my wife. Thank you Julie, I don’t know how you pull it all off but somehow you do. Forgive me for not acknowledging your tremendous sacrifice; forgive me for not helping you more. You are an amazing women. Today I honor you for the sacrifices you make. May God give you increase beyond measure, strengthen your hands and heart, and cause His grace to abound toward you in every area. Happy Valentines Day 2009

-Steve Trevino


Anonymous said...

i can say thet she is not just a great pastors wife but she is a good mom,leader,advise giver,and friend
love you mom

Steve Trevino said...

You are going to make me cry. Love you Alyssa! -Daddy

Maribel said...

Aww, your gonna make me cry PST! I totally agree with you on this one, she lives up to her name! Julie, you have become an inspiration in my life, you have guided, directed, engouraged, and have never ever, ever given up, No matter the circumstances. Thanks for helping me become the women that I am today! You are the true definition of what a strong godly women is!I love you!

Anonymous said...

I am humbled by all the love and support. Thank You!
Here is my beauty secret...Jesus is the strength to my weakness. Jesus is the stability to my fragileness. Jesus is the boldness to my cowardness. Jesus is the confidence to my shyness. Jesus is the ability to my inadequacy.
Jesus is the life to my death. Thank You Jesus Christ for making me who you created me to be.

Steve Trevino said...

And beautiful you are my wife!

zoeprincess said...

Meeting Sister Julie really touched my heart and as well as the church where I belong. She speaks with kindness and sincerity and she just overflows with so much love.
I will never ever forget what she have taught for us even we just spend time briefly. Until now her words echoed in my heart!

Sister Julie, you made an overwhelming impact on the hearts of the people at jlycc-hk. I pray that God bless you in return for such a wonderful and loving heart.

Steve Trevino said...

Wow Sister Zoe, your words really mean so much to us. We also have been greatly impacted by you and everyone at Jesus Loves You Church in Hong Kong. How is Hong Kong?

jackie35 said...

I cried the first time I heard this and I cried now that I read it. Especially after reading Alyssa's response. Julie is amazing! She shows so much love for us even before she really knew us. I am blessed to have such a wonderful woman of God to look u-p to.

Steve Trevino said...

I cry whenever I am away from Julie for 45 min or more.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! I cry too!! LOL! JK! you ae too funny Pastor!

Anonymous said...

Nothing much more to be said, except that I remember the hearts on my homework and the many things that still echo in my heart that Julie has said, too. What a lady!
What an encourager! She is what Pst calls, "the Master's Piece", as He promised to make us all. She is my shining example, and I love her too!-TR

Steve Trevino said...

Thanks for the kind words. What can I say, I love my wife!

Anonymous said...

a woman is to be praised....kudos bro!