Saturday, January 26, 2008

Online Confessional?

At Church I have been teaching “Putting on the New Man” for a few weeks now. You cannot put on the new man until you “Put off the old man” – Col. 3 :9-10

There are thoughts, behaviors, attitudes or actions of which are not apart of the new nature. God, who is rich in mercy, deals with us to repent of these sins. With repentance comes growth and maturity.

Has the Lord dealt with you about an area that needs to be “Put off”? Would you be willing to list a few here on this blog? (A sort-of online confessional) Risky, I know but someone wrestling with similar sins may receive encouragement to also repent.

Let me be the first:

• Unforgiveness

As a pastor, I work with lots of people. People are not always nice. Most of the time they are but every so often, they hurt you. It hurts when you want the best for people and invest much time, praying, teaching and loving them and for many different reasons, they fall away. It's like my wife Julie says, "Hate the sin, LOVE the sinner." I have held onto hurts that have hindered the love of Christ from flowing through me the way He longs to. (Don't worry it's not you, I love all of my blog friends). I thank God for His freedom through Christ. "I" cannot but HE can.



Anonymous said...

I heave learned a lot from this series that Pastor steve has been giving. I can say now that I have matured spiritually, sometimes you have to look within yourself, and know, that you are the problem and not the people around you. Lots of love to Pastor Steve and Julie!!

no more me said...

UNBELIEF – I astound myself sometimes. God has proven Himself all throughout my life. Over the last 2 years alone God has given me a job that I did not deserve and saved a marriage that I did not care about. I am wonderfully blessed! Yet still, when the waves of bills and marital disagreement come crashing in, I find myself filling with doubt for my situation rather than praises for His sovereignty. “How will the bills get paid?” “How will I get through this argument without saying something to my wife that I’ll regret?” I scramble and use human rationalization to meet my needs rather than fall to my knees to find peace through Godly dependence.

There’s an old song that confesses to God, “I know you’re supposed to be my steering wheel and not just my spare tire.” Too often, I hide God away in the trunk and call on Him only when I’m broken-down and completely stranded. What I should be doing is taking a back seat by simply trusting that He’s guiding me to a place of provision and rest. In every time of need, God is giving us an opportunity to surrender control and experience His goodness. The sooner we accept this truth, the easier it will become for us to rejoice instead of fret during the turbulent times.

Lord, forgive me for my unbelief. I have focused on my problems rather than Your truth. Time and again, You have proven that You are the one who is faithful and it is I who am faithless. You patiently wait for me to humble myself and acknowledge that no amount of self-effort can produce that which I find myself in need of. Thank you for being my savior and my provider. Through you I have all and through you I can do all. Amen.

Abel V.

Anonymous said...


Bree said...


The biggest behavior of the old man that I struggle with is fear. I worry; have doubts about being enough, etc. As Pastor has been preaching on “Putting On The New You”, Christ has again been dealing with me in this area. Logically, I know that I am made perfect in Christ, that Christ will take care of my every need, and that fear is not of God. However there are moments when I still struggle – “What will people think if they know details about me?” or “What if I am not the best wife, mother, teacher, friend, sister, daughter, etc I can be?” Or one that I battle with frequently “ What if I disappoint someone I love?” As I have been praying about this, Christ has been revealing to me, yet again, how important I am to Him. That each and every one of my characteristics He chose specifically for me, to make me unique. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, that when I do make a mistake or don’t do my best, that is the perfect opportunity for me to completely depend on Him, to turn the focus from me and showcase His grace and mercy.

Anonymous said...

I am a member of the Max Man Houston Men's Group. I have been called out from a life of drugs and alcohol and into a new life in Christ. In my new life Christ has shown me His power and grace by completely eliminating the crave that comes with cocaine and alcohol. He has put a new desire in my heart-to seek Him.
Through the years I sometimes found myself stuggling, finding life hard to live and I couldn't figure out why my marriage, my kids, my job all seemed difficult to work with. Until I was taught that I had been diminishing the Power of God in my life. What I had been confessing with my mouth was not in-line with God's Word.
I would say: "Well my Dad treated me this way and that's why I am the way I am," "Man, I can't never win no matter what I do," "I'm not educated enough," "You've got the wrong man," you got the picture.
"As a man things in his heart so he is. We are what we believe and we are committed to what we confess. It is wrong to say we are less than we really are-Children of the living God and joint Heirs with Christ. When we claim to be less than we are we diminish the Power of God in our lives."-Edwin Louis Cole
My name is David Nuncio and I am a child of the Living God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am a new creation, all things have passed away; behold all things have become new.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....I believe the Lord had been dealing with me in the area of trust!!! I have had to learn to let things go and not try to control every area of my life!!!! I've had to learn to rely and trust in the Lord fully...that he will meet every need!!! Through this series it's become more evident to me that the Lord is My Rock he never fails me, he always perceivers!!!! It had helped me to fully put my trust in the Lord!!!

Anonymous said...

Where to start...I guess I can say that I had been struggling with murmuring in tne work place and not having a good attitude towards my boss and co-workers!!! That was part of my old man, through this series I have learned to hold my tongue and pray on the situation!! And allow God to take control and flow through me and give me the guidence I seek!!! Thank you Jesus!!!! 123 yes!!!

hisJEWEL said...

This message has been clear and defining for me. I am able to see that even though I have put on my "new suit" and wouldn't exchange it for another, however there are times that I reach in the ugly pocket of my old one.
My Reaction-the first response to a situation or circumstance. When faced with a challenge I speak words of doubt or have an attitude of frustration. God has shown me to always honor Him in my words, actions and attitudes. I am to be a living example of my Savior. So from the very beginning to the end of a problem the new me is to trust in the Lord that He is in control of my life.

Anonymous said...

-SUBMISSIVNESS- What I have learned, is how to turn from my ungodly ways, such as pride,disobedience, etc. I have also learned that it takes a lot of humility, to leave behind a world of self gratification, into submissively serve others and authority, and at the same time, transform into prominent maturity. A great leader is also a great servant.

Steve Trevino said...

I want to thank all of you who had the courage to comment on this post. Your openness and humility is a great example of the Spirit working in you. I know that others will be encouraged by these confessions. If God is calling us to repentance we should feel extremely loved. God accepts us just the way we are but He loves us enough not to leave us that way. God bless you all.


Anonymous said...

I want to say that i am very happy with our session on putting on the new me. For me it has been a journey serving God. I must of been in the 5th grade when a crusade of people from a church in Dallas, Texas came into my little town of Brownsville, Texas and put up a tent for summer bible study that was the greatest thing that ever happened to me because a seed was plant in my heart. I have no problems believing that there is a God and know for a fact that he is real, as real as the air that i breath and i can't see. Since i was a baby i remeber having dreams of myself asleep on a cloud and angles pushing me off the cloud and falling but always before i hit the ground i woke up. Isn't God so awsome i guess that was my wake up call. Anyway i want to tell you everything but it's too long and i would be better off writing a book. I want to let you know that i have been going to Church for the past 3 years and God has changed my life dramatically. I know God is not done with me and that he has good plans for my life i just have to wait and see in which direction he wants to take me. I want the Pastors to know that you are doing a great job and maybe we don't let you know enough thanks for being there for us. I thank God for putting you in our lifes i know you have a big task in front of you and i will continue to pray for you all. Keep up the good work and God Bless you always.