Thursday, March 6, 2008

Husbands who clean SMILE more.

American men still don't pull their weight when it comes to housework and child care, but collectively they're not the slackers they used to be. The average dad has gradually been getting better about picking himself up off the sofa and pitching in, according to a new report in which a psychologist suggests the payoff for doing more chores could be more sex.

"If a guy does housework, it looks to the woman like he really cares about her  he's not treating her like a servant," said Coleman, who is affiliated with the Council on Contemporary Families. "And if a woman feels stressed out because the house is a mess and the guy's sitting on the couch while she's vacuuming, that's not going to put her in the mood."

read full article


Anonymous said...

I didnt even read the full article and I already like what it says!!!!

Anonymous said...

Men, take notes!!!
Put this gold nugget in your pocket!!!

Anonymous said...

It's always said, "A happy wife, a happy home!"