Monday, April 14, 2008

Sins Leaders Commit // Exodus 17:17-27

Not Making the Transition from Worker to Leader. V. 18

When you’re a worker, you have a job and you do it. Although your job likely requires you to join a team or to work closely with other people, you’re ultimately responsible only for yourself.

Did you attain the goals? Did you complete assignments on time? Was your work or task done correctly?

When you become a leader, everything changes. Suddenly, you are responsible for the results of a group of people, not just for yourself. Did your team attain their goals? Are the people under your supervision highly motivated? Did your team do their work correctly?

Becoming a leader requires the development of a whole new set of skills – people skills.

Just because a person is hard working, honest and loyal doesn’t mean they will automatically make a good leader. He must make the transition from Worker to Leader.


Anonymous said...

asi, como lo incorrecto con lo correcto,asi,como la luz con las tinieblas,asi,como la mentira con la verdad,como,los numeros del(1al10)hay muchas maneras de ser lideres,pero DIOS solamente establecio una.

Anonymous said...

You are right, It does take a lot of hard work to be a leader, but no complaints here. I know that I am in the right church, and I have the best Leaders that the almighty has put in front of me.... and no... Im not brown nosing, I speak from the heart. Loving my Pastors!!

Steve Trevino said...

Amén, hermano. El liderazgo verdadero viene de es humilde y roto.


Steve Trevino said...

What did i just say?

Anonymous said...

?te gustaria ser lider?

Anonymous said...

What did you, just say??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

a leader doesnt have to throw their authority around all the time, leadership should speak for its self. people skills are very important, in this line of work.

Anonymous said...

Delegation of authority: clone yourself. Hold the office you hold with your hand open, ready for someone else to take it from your hand. If someone doesn't know how to do a thing, instruct him. Make yourself likeable, so that people won't resent having to follow you. And don't play favorites. Praise in public, critique in private. That prevents more opportunities for resentment. And keep people motivated; show an interest in them. People need to know that they're cared about. But what do I know? I use anonymous, because my computer won't let me enter my name. Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

I think that last commentor has a problem's. Issues.
What does she mean make yourself likeable so people won't resent following you? 1Cor.13 says loves see's no wrong, love protects, , love always trusts, sounds to me she's not protecting the office of her leader or leaders, etc. etc.