Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Royal Fellowship of Death pt.1

What we know of death in the natural realm can be applied to dying to self in the spiritual realm. We understand death to be the climatic conclusion of weakness in the body carried out in its matured form. The highest manifestation of weakness in the body is death. His strength (life) is perfected in our weakness (death). 2 Cor. 12:9. He was crucified through weakness, yet He lives by the power of God, we are also weak (dead) in Him but we live with Him through the
power of God. 2 Cor. 13:4 In death the spirit lives on independent of the body. The Apostle Paul declared to be absent from the body (death) was to be present with the Lord. 2Cor. 5:8. In our daily life there must be an "absence" from the flesh. Putting to death whatever belongs to the earthly nature- Col 3:5 and the misdeeds of the body, you will live Rom. 8:13

"What man considers death angels consider birth" -FB Meyer

The moments of "absence" are moments of His presence. The way to experience the presence of God is through a daily dying to self. The dead in Christ shall rise first! 1Thes. 4:14,16

What do you think?



Jessica said...

I finally get it! Less of me, more of Him! My prayers are no longer for Him to help me through challenges in my life but to remove me and completely saturate me in his spirit. I see now that with him in me I can overcome anything. The daily death of my sins keeps my temple ready to receive His spirit. Since sin and spirit can't live in the same place, I have to make constant choices making sure to keep my heart clean so the Lord can fill me daily. It sounded like a difficult thing to do at first but I am finding that a daily fasting from wrong thinking and sin becomes easier each day as the Lord takes over and Jessica fades away. No more masking the flesh with Religion or Good works! It's time to feast on BBQ'd lamb! My best was definately attacked and I realized that My Best is never going to be as good as God's Best for me so- I got over it pretty quickly and now I am ready to see my new walk in Christ continue to unfold.

Anonymous said...

jwhen Man lives a life separated from GOD,he does what pleases him this self willed life breeds mediocrity at best he realizes that all his efforts fail him he trys new methods to no avail he becomes depresed and no longer desires to live he preffers to be dead( God only accepts the death of, his son The death on the Cross )though this man has the right idea about wanting to die the way is wrong. God wants to save this man from this phisical death.its at the cross where the will of man is put to death. we can learn alot about death ,but we must partake of the death that God accepts ( life springs out of death ) DO YOU BELIEVE!

Crucified heart