Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Live Blogging- Corazon 08'

Six Questions to Ask Yourself for Creative Focus
Dale O'Sheilds
pastor Church of the Redeemer

1. What things are not in your life right now that God wants to bring into existence?

What things do not exist that should?

2. What exist now but needs to be better than it is?

What can I improve or take to the next level?

3. What opportunities are seated within the problem?

Creative people don’t just see problems they see Opportunities.

4. What can I do to create something more meaningful in the world?

How can God use me to add more grace to the world where I live?

5. What can I do to stretch my heart and mind in new ways?

6. What can I do or change in my life that will help me better communicate the Gospel?

Never change the message only the method.

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